Circular Economy in the Construction Industry

The term of circular economy It is now increasingly shaping discussions in politics and business. In the construction industry in particular, there is enormous potential from a sustainability perspective to use so-called free resources generated by recycling more efficiently and cost-effectively — especially in times of sharp increases in raw material prices.

Scholz recognized the usefulness and considerable added value of the recycling principle over 20 years ago when choosing its close distribution partnership with LANXESS (formerly Bayer AG).

Even then, inorganic color pigments were combined with the globally unique and sustainable LAUX process manufactured in Krefeld-Uerdingen, which still produces high-quality iron oxide pigments from scrap metal from the steel processing industry. In this way, recycling levels of up to 93% of the iron oxide produced can be achieved.

This is also an important reason for choosing our color pigments by many of our customers, who have recognized that the Laux process can significantly extend the life cycle of the raw materials used and at the same time has a positive effect on the ecological balance of our products and thus also on the ecological balance of our customers' products.

In figures, this means, for example, that our commitment to the Laux process and LANXESS has saved several million tons of valuable resources since the start of our partnership, as we did not have to use alternative manufacturing processes that require a high level of, for example, valuable caustic soda or iron sulfate.

With the choice of our trading partner and main raw material supplier LANXESS, we are proud that we will continue to be in line with the trend of sustainability to lie down and at the same time use our earthly resources sparingly.